So you do have a lot of say in how the game is actually played. You also have different difficulty options and you can adjust the rules such as offside, how long the game lasts and so on. You can play with a keyboard, controller or even the mouse. The actual gameplay of Backyard Soccer is a bit more slow paced than you would expect.

This is kind of cool as this is a kids game, it teaches kids to think about positioning. You can pick what positions the kids play in so it is important to pay attention to their stats you play them in the right position so that they can best benefit your team. You will pick eight kids to make up your team and then you have to decide who your 6 staring players are and who your 2 substitutes are.

You and the AI (or another player) take turns picking players until you each have a team. They have individual stats for kicking, ball control, defense and running. This is a list of all known Humongous Entertainment games.
When you click on one of the kids you can see their stats. Backyard Football 2004 Download Pc Backyard Soccer 2004 Mac Download Backyard Soccer 2004 Download Mac Installer < Humongous Entertainment. All of the kids are sitting on the bleachers and you can select your dream team of players. Putt-Putt, Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish and Spyfox are back Humongous Entertainment has all your favorite characters and games. One thing that is really fun in Backyard Soccer is the way that you put your team together. The Hall of Fame mode is cool as you can track how well you have done as you have played the games. Two other options at the menu screen are, first of all, learn about the different players that you can select for your team and also the Hall of Fame mode. You can also play a single match and practice your penalty kicks. B Division Championship, A Division Championship, Premier Division, Indoor Soccer Tournament and the awesomely named, Astonishingly Shiny Cup of All Cup’s Cup are there for you to win. This is where you set out to win different leagues. Backyard Soccer actually has quite a lot of game modes.